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Zhoushan issues electronic versions of residence permit

Updated : 2022-03-08 (


A police officer helps people apply for e-residence permits via the Zheliban mobile application on March 4. [Photo/]

Zhoushan in East China's Zhejiang province started issuing electronic versions of the residence permit on March 4, local media reported.

People can apply for the e-residence permit via the Zheliban mobile application or on the website of the Zhejiang administrative affairs service. The time needed to obtain the permit has been reduced from 15 working days to just 2.

A green channel has also been made available for those who have an urgent need for the residence permit, allowing them to obtain the permit immediately after they make an application.

After receiving a message from the public security bureau, applicants can add the e-residence permit to the "my certificates" column in Zheliban. Applicants need to be authenticated before they can obtain the e-permit.

The requirements for applying for the e-permits are the same as the physical ones. Applicants are required to live in Zhoushan for more than six months and have a stable and lawful job, or stable and lawful residence, or attend school in the city.

Talent brought in by the local government are not restricted by the above conditions.
