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Wenzhou's population reaches 9.76m

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 28, 2024

Wenzhou, a bustling city in Zhejiang province, has reached a new milestone with its permanent resident population now standing at 9.76 million people as of the end of 2023, marking an increase of 82,000 from the previous year.

The city has also seen a significant rise in its registered migrant population, reaching 4.22 million by 2023's end. In a bid to foster talent, Wenzhou attracted 129,000 university students and 95,000 skilled professionals over the course of last year.

Wenzhou's transportation sectors also experienced remarkable growth in 2023, with aviation passenger throughput soaring to 11.69 million, a 108.4 percent increase compared to the previous year. Railway passenger traffic also jumped to 25.35 million, a surge of 97.7 percent, while highway passenger traffic grew by 14.4 percent, reaching 46.76 million.

The province of Zhejiang as a whole reported a permanent resident population of 66.27 million at the end of 2023, an increase of 500,000 from 2022. Urban residents now make up 74.2 percent of the total population, a 0.8 percentage point rise from the previous year, indicating a steady trend towards urbanization.

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