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Foreigners participate in cultural exchange event to ring in 2023

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 19, 2023


Foreigners participated in the Spring Festival Cultural Exchange Event in Wenzhou. [Video/ Wenzhou Overseas Media Center]

Wenzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, held a Spring Festival Cultural Exchange Event on Jan 16 to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, local media reported.

At the event, foreigners from different countries participated in various activities, such as making dumplings and folklore trivia, to experience the folk culture of the Spring Festival.

The appointment ceremony for "Wenzhou Overseas Communication Officers" was also held at the event.

Alisher, one of the appointed officers, said that he loves Wenzhou and hopes to romote Wenzhou and its culture to the world.

In addition, the Broadcast Exhibition for "I Love Wenzhou Season 3" Excellent Videos was also launched at the event.

Ten of the best videos will be selected and broadcast to the world during the Spring Festival.

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