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Chinese, foreign anchors promote Wenzhou via e-commerce livestream shows

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 12, 2021


Foreign anchor Akmal and Wenzhou native Cai Chaojun host the first e-commerce livestream show promoting agricultural products from Tengqiao town, Lucheng district. [Photo/wenzhoudaily.cn]

The Wenzhou Overseas Media Center recently announced the launch of a series of e-commerce livestream shows that feature Chinese and foreign anchors promoting special local products, local media outlets reported.

The first episode, which was hosted by foreign anchor Akmal and Wenzhou native Cai Chaojun, showed online viewers the agricultural industry of Lucheng district's Tengqiao town, which has been hailed as a model in the promotion of agricultural reform in rural areas.

The live show introduced to online viewers a variety of local agricultural products such as handmade dried bamboo shoots, smoked chicken, vegetarian noodles, black bean wine, Hongniang wine, and organic vegetables.

"I'm glad to visit Tengqiao and have the opportunity to step into paddy fields and sample authentic and fresh agricultural products," said Akmal. "The beautiful landscapes in the fields reminds me of my hometown. I really enjoyed the experience."

Aside from agricultural products, creative cultural products featuring distinctive Wenzhou elements will also be sold during the livestreaming show, which will have three more sessions.


Black bean wine is a local specialty of Tengqiao town. [Photo/wenzhoudaily.cn]

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