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Wenzhou shines at 2020 National Science and Technology Awards

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 5, 2021


The water treatment technology team from Wenzhou University. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

Five projects presided over by or included the participation of Wenzhou scientists, engineers, and research institutes were honored at the 2020 National Science and Technology Awards in Beijing, capital of China, on Nov 3, local media outlets reported.

A water treatment technology presided over by Wenzhou University won the second prize of the State Technological Invention Award.

Both C&U Group and Wenzhou University won second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for their respective projects concerning the key processing technology of high performance rolling bearing and island/shore-based high overload power supply systems..

Pan Xiulian, a Wenzhou native and scientist, took part as the second ranked implementer in a nanometer-limited catalysis project, which won first prize of the State Natural Science Award.

Zhang Xiaoqin, a professor from Wenzhou University, won second prize of the State Natural Science Award for his project Theory and Method of Learning and Understanding Visual Motor Patterns while working at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The ceremony honored a total of 264 projects, with 46 winning the State Natural Science Award, 61 winning the State Technological Invention Award, as well as 157 winning the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.

Eight foreign experts and one international organization won the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award for their collaboration with Chinese scientists.


Scientist Pan Xiulian and her team. [Photp/rabtv.cn]

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