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Mid-Autumn Festival party 'reunites' Wenzhounese

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 18, 2021

Wenzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang province known as the "homeland of overseas Chinese", celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival by holding a grand party on Sept 17. The performances were televised around the world.


The 2021 World Wenzhounese Could Community Mid-Autumn Festival Party is held on Sept 17. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival symbolizing family reunion. It falls on Sept 21 this year. 

Shows featuring singing, dance, and traditional Chinese opera were performed on a stage in Jiangxinyu Island in Lucheng district. 

The performances were livestreamed in 131 countries and regions, reaching more than 300 overseas Chinese groups around the world. 

As of 11 pm on Sept 17, around 2.13 million people worldwide have watched the live broadcast.

Liu Xiaotao, Party secretary of Wenzhou, said in his video speech that Wenzhou is a famous cultural city with profound historical heritage, a land of entrepreneurship, innovation, and wealth creation, and a place to seek glory and dreams.

"No matter how far apart they are, Wenzhou people around the world are a family with a shared destiny and love, bonded together by nostalgia," Liu said.

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