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Wenzhou Copyright Museum opens to great fanfare

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: September 16, 2021

The new Wenzhou Copyright Museum on Sept 15 held its opening ceremony – in Wenzhou city, located in East China's Zhejiang province – amid predictions the new facility will boost the metropolis' goal of becoming a national copyright demonstration city.


The opening ceremony of Wenzhou Copyright Museum is held on Sept 15. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu]

The museum features copyright exhibitions, displays of copyright publicity and education and showcases copyright registration services and copyright protection and rights protection – as well as examples of copyright information exchanges and copyright trading. 

Members of staff said that many developments and positive things were occurring on the copyright front in Wenzhou and they would be in pole position to record them. 

"Previously, individuals or enterprises had to go to the copyright service center and provide 6-9 copies of application materials. Repeated submission of materials could easily lead to errors and applications were often rejected," said employee Xue Shuxing.

"Now through the Wenzhou copyright works declaration service system, users can submit their works online and receive a reply within a week," Xue said, adding that the system was officially launched in June and had since debuted on Zheliban – an online government service platform launched by Zhejiang's authorities.


A wide, aerial view of the Wenzhou Copyright Museum. [Photo/WeChat account: wenzhoufabu] 

Wenzhou is reportedly leading the way in the fields of copyright protection and copyright industry development. 

The number of copyrighted works registered there is said to have quadrupled in three years, reaching 11,259 by the end of August 2021 and ranking it first in the province.



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