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Zhejiang draws blueprint for new energy vehicle industry

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: May 10, 2021

The Zhejiang Development and Reform Commission recently issued the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) for the province's new energy vehicle industry.

According to the document, Zhejiang's annual output of NEVs is expected to reach 600,000 in 2025. The province, currently home to 12 NEV plants, delivered a total of 77,000 NEVs in 2020, 6.1 percent of all automobiles produced in the province, and 5.3 percent of the national output of NEVs that year.

The document summarized the province's prospective NEV industrial layout as "One Bay, One Belt, and Multiple Bases".

"One Bay" refers to the Hangzhou Bay economic zone, which is focused on the R&D of key technologies for NEVs and the development of upper- and middle-class native NEV brands, with the task of forming an NEV industrial cluster. "One Belt" refers to the cities of Wenzhou and Taizhou, which are tasked with building an NEV industrial belt. "Multiple Bases" refers to various industrial parks across the province, which are tasked with manufacturing NEV components such as electronic control systems, power battery materials, and hydrogen fuel batteries.

The document states the province's priorities in developing passenger NEVs, to which end Zhejiang authorities will assist in Geely Motor's efforts to expand the upper- and middle-class passenger NEV market and build globally well-known brands.

The document also states the government's concrete measures to increase the use of NEVs in the next five years. The government demands that at least 80 percent of the province's newly added vehicles for public transit, taxis, and logistics should be NEVs. It also set a goal of installing over 800 comprehensive charging service stations, over 80,000 charging piles at public sites, and over 350,000 in-house charging piles for NEVs by 2025.

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