
Songyang developing self-driving vehicles

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated : Jun 3, 2024 L M S


A self-driving minibus runs on a test road in Songyang county. [Photo/WeChat account: zgsynews]

Twenty brand new self-driving cargo vehicles are undergoing safety tests recently in Songyang county, Lishui, Zhejiang province. They can be delivered to customers after passing all the tests on 24 kinds of road conditions, said Zhao Yin, head of Neolix Unmanned Vehicle (Songyang) Co.

Neolix company is one of the enterprises participating in Songyang's comprehensive transportation industry. The county has been developing the industry with a focus on autonomous driving, integration of transportation and tourism, and digital highways.

Self-driving minibuses impress locals with their sleek appearances and state-of-the-art features. "I worried about my safety at first, but then I couldn't help but take photos. It's so cool," said resident Ye Weihong after experiencing the minibus.

At present, the autonomous driving buses in Songyang have transitioned from the empty test phase to the passenger-carrying phase.

Additionally, self-driving sightseeing vehicles have become a popular attraction in scenic areas like the Songyinxi scenic area, enhancing the tourism experience. Tourists are impressed by the steady travel and panoramic views provided by such vehicles.

Songyang currently boasts self-driving sweepers, retail vehicles, security vehicles, and more, apart from the buses and sightseeing vehicles.

In addition to smart vehicles, Songyang is also developing smart roads with systems like green wave coordination control, smart low-carbon streetlight poles, and rural intersection warning systems.