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Food vendor in Yiwu rises to online fame for one good deed

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: October 12, 2021

A surveillance video showing a snack store keeper giving food to a senior in Yiwu, Zhejiang province recently went viral on Weibo, a popular social media platform in China.

In the video shot at 8:20 pm on Oct 8, the senior stands a distance away for a long time, fixated by and starting at the baked sweet potatoes served in the small shop. When the senior was eventually about to leave, she was stopped by the shop keeper and handed a packed sweet potato. She immediately beamed a bright smile and said thanks.

The simple good deed and the senior's thankfulness touched the hearts of millions of Chinese netizens. The video even rose to be the second most-searched hashtag on Weibo, a big surprise for the shop keeper Jin Huiguo, a young dad of two children.

Jin said that he started to run the snack store just one month ago. He was previously a farmer and part-time driver on Didi, an Uber-like ride-hailing service.

The store's business hours runs from 10 am to 10 pm. Most of the time, Jin says that he is running the store himself.

Jin told local media that he inadvertently noticed the senior while entertaining customers and he felt a bit sad for the woman, who wore tattered clothes, carried a bag of scrapped bottles, and stood alone outside in the night, which motivated him to offer a small kindness through the baked sweet potato.

Many people managed to contact Jin after watching the video to inquire about the exact address of Jin's store. However, Jin has refused to release the information.

"It is a trivial thing, not something I want to flaunt. Any others in my shoes would have done the same as well. I hope that people pay less attention to me but will pass on small acts of kindness, offering assistance to anyone in need as much as possible," said Jin.

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Jin Huiguo entertains customers in his snack store in Yiwu. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

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