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Lights, camera, tourist attraction!

By ZHU XINGXIN and MA ZHENHUAN in Hengdian, Zhejiang | China Daily| Updated: August 30, 2021

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Performers stage a song and dance show in the Guangzhou-Hong Kong streets area. ZHU XINGXIN/CHINA DAILY

Hengdian World Studios, known as China's Hollywood, is welcoming visitors to check out famed film sets in Zhejiang

Film set recreations of the streets in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, and Hong Kong are one of the few spots that welcome night visitors to Hengdian World Studios, China's "Hollywood", in Dongyang city, Zhejiang province.

In recent years, featuring film and TV productions, the sets have increasingly taken on a new role in themed performances, immersive role-playing games and as a tourist destination.

By day, visitors can enjoy themselves on the sets, and at night, they can stay in on-site hotels.

Since the first film studio was established in Hengdian in 1996, the township has become home to more than 1,400 film and television companies and has a registered population of over 100,000 actors.

Hengdian World Studios is China's largest film and television shooting location. It has hosted about 3,400 production teams from home and abroad, and about two-thirds of the country's films and TV programs have been produced there.


A visitor (right), wearing costumes from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), experiences acting in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasties palace garden scenic area in the park on July 18. ZHU XINGXIN/CHINA DAILY

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Models perform along the Guangzhou-Hong Kong streets scenic area at the theme park. ZHU XINGXIN/CHINA DAILY 

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