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Jiaxing has two counties named on list of China's top 100 green counties

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated : May 13, 2020

Xiaokang magazine teamed up with a number of national authorities and professional institutions to launch the list of 2020 China's top 100 greenest counties and cities, after comprehensive evaluations of more than 2,000 county-level administrative units across the country. Jiaxing in East China's Zhejiang province had two counties included, Jiashan county ranking 14th and Pinghu ranking 33rd.

The list included all county-level administrative units in China. However, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 103 units in Hubei province were not included. A total of 2,657 units participated in the selection, except districts administered by municipalities, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions and Hubei's 103 units.

The list is compiled by online big data, special surveys of counties, public attitudes and expert reviews. Among these, online big data, with information source intervals ranging over a year from March 1, 2019, set six evaluations in ecological environmental protection, urban greening construction, resource utilization, green living, low-carbon production and governance of land and rivers.


Jiashan county and Pinghu in Jiaxing, East China's Zhejiang province, are named among China's top 100 green counties. [Photo/WeChat account: zjjsxww]
