'Reading Caravan' rolls into Quzhou
The "Zhejiang's Reading Caravan: Journey to Quzhou" kicked off on Feb 19 at the cultural hall of Shawan village in Kecheng district, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.
Zhejiang to further boost cultural development
Zhejiang province will fully leverage its rich cultural heritage to empower high-quality development and to accelerate the goal of building itself into a culturally strong province with high standards.
Changshan's edible bamboo shoots deliver fast-growing profits
Over the years, Jiangyuan village has expanded its edible bamboo cultivation, with over 90 percent of households now growing the crop on a total of more than 2 square kilometers.
Zhejiang cities chart courses for 2025
All of the cities in East China's Zhejiang province had convened their first post-Spring Festival municipal conferences.
Quzhou enters glorious plum blossom season
As the weather warms up, wonderful plum blossoms in Quzhou, Zhejiang province are entering their peak viewing season.
Spring Rain: Nature's gentle gift
Spring rain arrives, bringing life to all things. Rain Water, the second term of the 24 Solar Terms, is nature's gentle gift to us.
Jiangshan lad of 13 joins national table tennis team
Chen Yizhou, a 13-year-old lad from Jiangshan, was recently thrilled to be selected for the second team of China's table tennis team, becoming the first player from Quzhou to enter the national squad.
China launches hotlines, awareness campaigns to bolster mental health services
A total of 18 provincial-level regions in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang, have launched the 12356 mental health assistance hotline.