
Quzhou sets up talent development fund

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-08-31

The Quzhou Talent Development Fund established by Quzhou Holding Group was officially launched on Aug 29.

Das Solar Co Ltd in Quzhou was granted the first 10 million yuan ($1.44 million) from the fund.

Das Solar Co Ltd is engaged in the solar photovoltaic industry. The 10-million-yuan investment from the talent fund has led to investments from other investors, bringing the company's current round of financing to 436 million yuan.

The first phase of the Talent Development Fund is 500 million yuan, and it mainly invests in strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, new materials, and new energy.

According to the person in charge of Quzhou Holding Group, talent is the most important resource for economic and social development, and the implementation of the talent development fund is an important way for state-owned enterprises to respond to the city's human resource development needs.

Next, Quzhou Holding Group will increase its investment in high-quality talent projects through a diverse array of channels such as talent funds, angel funds and industrial funds to offer strong capital reinforcements for building the city into a talent and scientific innovation cluster.