
Jiuhua township benefits from honey peaches

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-07-13

The 5th Honey Peach Culture Festival was unveiled on July 8 in Yuankou village, Jiuhua township, Kecheng district, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, according to local media reports.

In 2016, Yuankou village held its first honey peach picking festival and sold more than 50,000 kilograms of honey peaches in just one week.

The unified sales price during the peach picking festival is 20 yuan ($2.96) per kilogram, and the net profit is as high as 17,000 yuan per mu (0.067 hectares).

The village's honey peach planting area has expanded from the initial 40 mu in 2016 to more than 250 mu today. The yield is up to 1,000 kg per mu and more than 120 farmers have been involved in growing the peaches.

Wang Yuansheng, a farmer in Yuankou village, said that his 2-mu honey peach forest earned an income of 16,000 yuan during the picking Festival last year. Seventy percent of his peaches already generated an income of 14,000 yuan this year, and his total income is expected to exceed 20,000 yuan.

In 2020, during the COVID-19 epidemic, the village began to cooperate with online platforms such as Douyin (the Chinese version of Tiktok) and Kuaishou. In one week, the online and offline sales volume exceeded 20,000 kg, valued at over 400,000 yuan.