
Intl students tour Quzhou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-06-27

More than 30 international students from Zhejiang Normal University in Jinhua, Zhejiang province came to Quzhou, Zhejiang province on June 25, to experience the traditional culture of Quzhou.

Over the following two days, the international students wore hanfu, a traditional Chinese style of clothing, visited the Temple of Southern Confucianism, the International Weiqi Cultural Exchange Center and the Confucianism Museum of China, and experienced the traditional culture of the Start of Spring in Miaoyuan village.


International students from Zhejiang Normal University attend a Confucius memorial ceremony in the Temple of Southern Confucianism in Quzhou. [Photo/qz828.com]


Two international students play weiqi at the International Weiqi Cultural Exchange Center in Quzhou. [Photo/qz828.com]


International students from Zhejiang Normal University pose for a photo in the Shuitingmen Historic and Cultural Block. [Photo/qz828.com]