
Quzhou on high-track for its fruit industry

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-01-17

南孔 圣柑橘_副本.jpg

A display of various citruses harvested from Kecheng district. [Photo/qz.zjol.com.cn]

The "Southern Confucianism · Wonderful Citrus" regional brand promotion press conference was held at Kecheng district of Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Jan 7, according to local media reports.

Kecheng boasts a history of more than 1,400 years of citrus planting. It is the traditional and dominant industry in the whole region, with more than 40,500 hectares of citrus orchards and an annual output of 58,000 tons. It also has more than 50,000 employees, 373 hectares of high-quality citrus demonstration base, and more than 300,000 tons of commercial processing annually.

The district has cultivated seedless ponkan, chicken-tail grapefruit, red beauty, and Citrus paradisi, supported by its advanced ecology, culture, science and technology, and management establishing the regional popular brand of "Southern Confucianism · Wonderful Citrus".