
Lectures inspire young students in Quzhou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-09-09

孔子课堂.pngAn inspiring traditional Chinese culture lecture benefits both parents and students at a local school in Quzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: quzhoufb]

Students and parents from the Quzhou Huamao Foreign Languages School, under the guidance of Kong Lingli – from the 76th generation of Confucius' descendants – listened raptly recently to stories about the great philosopher's family bloodline and the essence of traditional Chinese culture at the Temple of Southern Confucianism in Quzhou city in East China's Zhejiang province.   

Kong said that children should learn etiquette, filial piety and gratitude for their parents. For their part, parents should respect their children's growing-up process. They should make reasonable arrangements for their education, respect children's interests and participate in sports with their kids, to strengthen their physiques.  

Participating parents and students expressed their fulsome gratitude to Kong, after the three-and-a-half-hour lecture.