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Ningbo's 'University and Town' model boosts rural vitalization

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 29, 2024 L M S

The "University and Town" model, part of Ningbo's rural vitalization efforts, officially entered its replication and expansion phase on April 27.

Since 2021, Chen Jianping, a professor at the Ningbo University, has spearheaded the exploration of the "University and Town" model in Dongwu town, Yinzhou district. This model, characterized by government guidance, villager autonomy, and university involvement, has seen the university get deeply involved in projects in 13 villages in Dongwu. Over the past three years, hundreds of teachers and students have collaborated with local authorities to implement ten landmark projects, such as the renovation of Tiantong Old Street.

The university's engagement with rural communities has yielded significant results. According to Zhu Da, Party secretary of Ningbo University, the "University and Town" model serves as a robust platform for the university to align with national strategies, support local development, and enhance talent cultivation. Rural research has become a new academic growth point for the university, with over 100 papers and 30 research projects in the past three years.

Zhuang Qi, Party secretary of Dongwu Town, revealed plans to modernize the agricultural industry system by reintroducing "Xiaobai Watermelon" cultivation. Leveraging local agricultural enterprises, initiatives such as the Yinzhou Rural Product Common Wealth Park and the incubation of unique agricultural brands are making significant progress.

On April 27, Yinzhou district inked a strategic cooperation agreement with Ningbo University to replicate and expand the development model in Jiangshan, Zhanqi, Xianxiang, and Tangxi towns. Yinzhou also established an expert service platform, facilitating the replication and promotion of the innovative model.