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Tiantai designated national demonstration county for ecological civilization

Updated: November 20, 2019 L M S


The Ministry of Ecology and Environment designates Tiantai county in Taizhou a national demonstration county for ecological civilization. [Photo/taizhou.com.cn]

Tiantai county in Taizhou was recently listed as a national demonstration county for ecological civilization, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

A total of eight places in East China's Zhejiang province made the list.

Tiantai has been adhering to a green development path in recent years, which is showing strong results.

The city has won numerous titles for its environmental efforts, including Zhejiang Provincial Ecological Construction Demonstration County, Zhejiang Provincial Demonstration Zone for Fresh Air, and National Tourism Destination.

Tiantai met national air quality standards for 352 days of the year in 2018. The water quality of all 4,030 small and micro rivers in the county reached Grade IV or higher. China grades its water quality in five levels, from Grade I to Grade V, with Grade V being the lowest.

The improved environment is largely thanks to efforts made by the local government to control pollution.

Official data shows that in 2018, Tiantai's investment in environmental conservation and pollution control reached 220 million yuan ($32.8 million), an uptick of 68 percent year-on-year.

The county is also dedicated to recycling throughout its industrial production process.

In 2015, it was designated as a pilot zone for the development of eco-industry in Zhejiang, and its practices are being promoted across the province.