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Overseas Chinese media invited to promote Wenzhou globally

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: November 18, 2019 L M S


A group of overseas Chinese media workers take a tour in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province from Nov 13 to 15. [Photo/WeChat account: wcxc66]

A group of overseas Chinese media workers were recently invited to take a tour of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province to learn more about the city and promote it on the global stage. 

The media representatives from 73 domestic and overseas Chinese media outlets such as the People's Daily Overseas Edition and the Nordic Chinese Newspaper, as well as leaders of several overseas Chinese organizations, visited many of the city's scenic spots and cultural sites from Nov 13 to 15.


Overseas Chinese media workers visit the Oujiang River in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province on Nov 13. [Photo provided to ezhejiang.gov.cn]

They were impressed by the local scenery and the changes the city has experienced in terms of its economy, culture, and tourism over the past seven decades.

"Wencheng county is so beautiful. I will promote it to more people overseas and hope they will come and see it for themselves," said Wang Jinxiang, a journalist with the Nordic Chinese Newspaper. 

An overseas communication center was launched in the county on Nov 14 to integrate resources from overseas Chinese media and better promote Wenzhou to the rest of the world.

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