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Photo exhibition showcases beauty of Shaoxing in Austria

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 12, 2018 L M S


A group of photographers from Shaoxing, Zhejiang province pose in Vienna, Austria. [Photo/WeChat: sxsyjxh]

A photo exhibition featuring landscapes, customs and culture of Shaoxing, Zhejiang province took place in Vienna, capital of Austria on Sept 6.

The photos taken by local photographers, covering the opera performances, time-honored bridges, yellow wine and water towns, provided a diverse insight into the millennial city in East China.

On the sideline of the exhibition, members of Shaoxing Photographers Association presented their works as gifts to the Austrian government officials and overseas Chinese in the city.


Members of Shaoxing Photographers Association send a scroll of photos to an Austrian official on Sept 6. [Photo/WeChat: sxsyjxh]


Shaoxing photographers explain the photos of Shaoxing to Austrian people. [Photo/WeChat: sxsyjxh]