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(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2016-09-08

G20 members are determined to improve global economic and financial governance to enhance the resilience of the world economy.

G20 members agree to advance the quota and governance reform of international financial institutions, broaden the use of SDR, strengthen the Global Financial Safety Net and make the international monetary system more stable and resilient. "We resolve to implement various financial reforms, closely monitor and address the underlying risks and vulnerability of the financial system, deepen cooperation on financial inclusion, green financing and climate fund, and jointly maintain stability in international financial markets," President Xi Jinping said. G20 members will enhance international tax cooperation as a means to promote global investment and growth. To transform the global energy governance, G20 members have formulated an action plan on energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency. On corruption, G20 members have reached further consensus on deepening cooperation and are determined to deprive all corrupt elements of any safe haven in G20 economies and beyond. "We hope the above progress and measures will lead to more balanced global economic and financial governance, well-functioning institutions and effective actions that will secure world economic growth," Xi said.