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Useful telephone numbers

Updated: August 2, 2016 L M S

Zhejiang International Investment Promotion Center

Add: No 470, Yan’an Road, Hangzhou

Post code: 310006

Tel: +86-571-8705-0870

Fax: +86-571-2893-9305

Bank of China Zhejiang Branch

Add: No 321, Fengqi Road, Hangzhou

Post code: 310003

Tel: +86-571-8501-1888

Fax: +86-571-8707-4837 

Zhejiang Branch of PICC Health Insurance Company Limited

Add: 5th floor, Jiade Plaza, No 118, Qingchun Road, Hangzhou

Post code: 310003

Tel: +86-571-2891-8898

Fax: +86-571-2891-9000

Foreign-Related Taxation Administration Sub-bureau of Local Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province

Add: No 1, Tihuan’er Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou

Post code: 310007

Tel: +86-571-8766-8552

Fax: +86-571-8766-8563

Zhejiang Z&J Law Firm

Add: 6th floor, No 4, Hushu South Road, Hangzhou

Post code: 310005

Tel: +86-571-8515-1338

Fax: +86-571-8515-1513

Emergency numbers

Police: 110

Ambulance service: 120 and 999

Fire department: 119

Traffic accidents: 122

Weather forecast: 12121 

Directory inquiries: 114

Speaking clock: 117

Weather: 121

Tourist information: 12301

EMS: 11185

China Mobile nationwide free 24-hr customer service hotline: 10086

China Unicom – operator assistance: 10010 

China Telecom : 10000 

China Tietong Telecommunications Corporation (third largest fixed-line internet service provider in China):10050 

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